To Cookie or not to Cookie, that is the question


You landed on one of the most boring pages of our site. This page is there 'because it has to be' from legal people. Below you'll find our Cookie Statement. That's a lot of text. Basically, we use cookies to make our site work. But we don't do anything else with them.

The 'version with a lot more words', which makes lawyers ecstatic:

Cookies and tracking pixels
Our website uses "cookies" (text files placed on your computer) to help us analyse how users use the site. We store these cookies in a secure 'cookie jar' so no-one else can access them.

We place necessary, statistical and marketing cookies on our website:

  • Necessary cookies are purely technical to ensure the website works properly.
  • Statistical cookies collects anonymised data about the use of our website and helps us to optimise it.
  • Marketing cookies track your surfing behaviour. 

A tracking pixel is an electronic file (normal size 1 pixel x 1 pixel) that is placed in an email (for example, our newsletter). By using a tracking pixel, we can see whether an email is read. This is very useful, for example, if we change a location and want to let everyone know.

Delete or disable cookies
You can of course disable our cookies. Please note, however, that our websites will not work optimally without cookies. How to disable or delete cookies is explained here:

We do this together with Google, Facebook and LinkedIn
We use Google Analytics to research visitor habits, desires and user behaviour. This allows us to adapt our websites to the target group and to better meet user demand. Thanks to Google Analytics, we can track how often a particular item is clicked on and which pages on the website are performing well or can be improved. We do not provide personal data to third parties, unless required by law or when necessary for the execution of an agreement DenkProducties has made with you.

Our websites contains a LinkedIn and a Facebook pixel. These pixels work through a piece of code that originates from them. Cookies are placed by means of this code. We have no influence on this. Read the privacy statement of Facebook and LinkedIn (they change regularly) to find out more about what they do with (personal) data that they process via these cookies. The information they collect is anonymised as much as possible.

Facebook, LinkedIn and Google are bound by the Safe Harbor principles and are affiliated with the Safe Harbor programme of the American Department of Commerce. This means that there is an adequate level of protection for the processing of any personal data

Questions, comments or suggestions
If you have any questions about our cookies, you can always ontact us:

Hoogoorddreef 73b
1101 BB, Amsterdam
Telephone: +31 20 303 38 20

Last update: 11 January 2022