Joriene Beks

Joriene Beks

Joriene Beks is Holland’s number one thought leader in Psychological Safety. 


Expert in candor and safety

Joriene is an expert in business science with a specific expertise in the field of Psychological Safety. She is the founder of Securing Candor: a network of professionals specialized in the creation of inclusive and safe work cultures.


Bestselling author

Joriene wrote 3 books on the topic of Psychological safety:

1. Psychological Safety – Signpost to Fearless Performance / Psychologische veiligheid - zo vorm je vrijmoedige teams (2020, with Hans van der Loo)
Reached to number 6 in the Managementbook top 100 and was in the top 10 for 25 days. This book is in English and Dutch.

2. Fieldguide Psychological Safety/ Veldgids Psychologische veiligheid (2021, with Hans van der Loo)
A real 'work book' full of examples, stories and praktical tools to create open and fearless teams. This book reached to number 2 in the Managementbook top 100 and stayed in the top 10 for 33 days. This book is in English and Dutch.

3. Veilig voelen, veilig zijn - verhalen uit de praktijk (new: 2023, with Orly Polak)
This book is full of concrete experiences in creating a culture of social and psychological safety. 11 cases of leaders and organizations that grew a culture of safety and candor. This book focuses on the role of leadership and the concrete implementation.

Do-er: conversation starters, checklists, and meeting tools

Joriene is not only a thinker, but mainly a do-er in Psychological Safety. A “doinker” as she calls it herself. Knowing how it works (thinker) and making it work (do-er).

One of the means she developed is a hands-on toolkit to stimulate Psychological Safety in teams. This toolkit includes conversation starters, checklists, meeting tools and much more.


Doctoral research 

Currently, Joriene started her doctoral reasearch on stimulating Psycological Safety by (personal) leadership. Harvard professor Amy Edmondson is the co-reader of the research.