Learning Circles 3x times more impact of learning

Learning Circles 3x times more impact of learning

Amsterdam Business Forum 2023 introduces: the Learning Circles. A well-thought didactic concept that allows you, as a participant, to truly get the most out of this seminar.

More insights and a direct translation to your practice. And in between, you also expand your network in a very natural way.

Three times the impact of learning.


Thanks to Simon Sinek
The idea was born during a seminar with Simon Sinek in Amsterdam. Sinek stirred things up when announcing the break:

'Folks, it's break time now, and you can do two things. You can, of course, call the office to ask how things are going. Then, you can interfere with things that people can decide for themselves: 'I think green is the best.'

Or you can seek the collective intelligence of the people gathered here before you.

You know what's interesting: everyone here faces similar challenges. It would be a missed opportunity if it turns out that the person sitting next to you... could be a fantastic sparring partner. But well, you had to make that call to the office or scroll through your timeline in a corner.'

Bam! Hit the nail on the head.
Hans Janssen, CEO of DenkProducties: 'We immediately thought: let's pick up this challenge. How can we come up with a simple but ultra-effective concept to better utilize the wisdom of the crowd?'

Together with the experts from Business Models Inc, we searched for the most impactful break imaginable. Time for a snack, a restroom break, and some fresh air. But wrapped around it, a clever concept to get the most out of the seminar.

And that results in: the Learning Circle.


The concept of a learning circle is as simple as it is effective:

  1. During the breaks of the Amsterdam Business Forum.
  2. You join round tables with other above-average eager participants.
  3. Together, you translate the insights you just heard on the Main Stage.
  4. Into your practice for tomorrow.
  5. Professional facilitators help you maximize the outcome. 

(Oh yes, there is also delightful catering)

Pilot at Amsterdam Business Forum 2022

How does this work in practice? The teams from Business Models Inc and DenkProducties set up a trial run at the first edition of the Amsterdam Business Forum 2022. With 30 participants. To test and validate the idea of the learning circle.

In a space with tables, flip charts, and 'grab & go catering,' the groups immediately engaged in lively discussions. No awkward introductions or obligatory conversations. Straight to work, collecting the best ideas and brainstorming about their application.


We quickly discovered: participants in the learning circle get much more out of their day. They learn more, faster, and in a more enjoyable way. Here are some observations from our 30 test pilots:

  • This helps you stay focused during the keynotes because you discuss the content together.
  • It provides you with a network, making networking less awkward.
  • This encourages more active listening, allowing me to apply the learnings more purposefully.
  • Applying what you learn immediately, in a good atmosphere.

It's a win-win-win: you absorb more insights from the main stage, translate them directly into ideas for tomorrow, and expand your network in a smart way.

"I hope there will be a learning circle again next year. It was a valuable addition to this fantastic day." Jelle van den Broek, Director Innovation Lab @X.

"Grateful for the many insights and wonderful people with whom I could share learnings. Thanks to the facilitated learning circles."
Inge Dom, People & Culture Architect.

Facilitators Impressed too
Not only the participants immediately saw: this is fun and it works. The facilitators from Business Models Inc were also impressed by how quickly the groups got to work and what each individual took home from just an hour of dialogue.

"You can see that participants stay much sharper throughout the day because you know you'll discuss it with your group. The value lies in building a network, clearing your mind, and applying all the knowledge on the day."
Patrick van der Pijl, CEO, Business Models Inc.


This year, at the Amsterdam Business Forum, the learning circles will be expanded. There is room for 70 participants in a specially equipped space.

Participation is at no extra cost, but because the number of spots is limited, it is advisable for participants to reserve a spot in advance. Be quick!

Reserve my spot >

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