As a leader or entrepreneur, you want to make IMPACT. On all possible levels. You want to trigger positive change. You want to guide your team towards a better and brighter future. And ultimately you want to become the leader you wish you had yourself.
Great ambition. But … HOW do you do that? On a daily basis?
How do you engrave a deeper purpose in all aspects of the company's DNA?
How do you create a company culture that attracts talented people and grows their talents?
How can you be the leader that makes change happen?
At Amsterdam Business Forum, you will get answers to these questions. This event has all the ingredients to become your best working day of the year.
A seminar with a crystal clear storyline
At DenkProducties -the founder of Amsterdam Business Forum- we create programs with crystal clear storylines. Not just ‘a list of great speakers doing their thing’. No way … that’s too easy.
We want to connect the insights of all speakers into one strong and coherent story. As an attendee you get clear guidance on how to use the ideas of each speaker in your everyday life. Robust and connected.
This is the storyline of The Impact Edition
If you want to make impact as a leader or as an organization, you want to work on 3 levels: purpose – culture – leadership. More concrete:
Impact Business - How do you blend business and purpose into your company’s DNA?
Impact Cultures - How do you build an outstanding corporate culture that ignites innovation and attracts top talent?
Impact Leadership - How do you amplify your impact as a leader?
Here’s how these questions will be answered on September 29th!
Event curator Hans Janssen gives a tour
(video, in dutch. English, check below)
Block 1: Impact business
Many -if not all- organizations seek ways to widen and deepen their purpose. Their reason to be in business. Customers and stakeholders ask for it. Young new employees simply demand it (or won’t want to work for you).
Everybody realizes: my company, my team and my organization needs to play a role in creating a better future. For all our stakeholders, the planet and future generations.
How do you create a viable business on the foundations of moral ambition? Rugter Bregman will lead the way here. He will share his latest ideas, based on a book that he is currently writing. At Amsterdam Business Forum, he will you you one of the first sneak peeks!
After that, we make it super practical. You will hear the hands-on stories of the leaders of two world class impact companies: Ben & Jerry’s and Tony’s Chocolonely. Their leaders will share what it takes to build a strong and mission driven company. A company that integrates business success with an impact mission.
Block 2: Impact culture
In this block, we zoom in. We will dive one level deeper into team and company culture. Because a purpose needs to be engraved in the company culture. In the way we work together, in what we expect from our people, and what our people can expect from us.
How do you build an outstanding culture? That ignites innovation, creates happiness and develops talent? INSEAD Professor Erin Meyer will take you on a journey, deep into one of the most unique company cultures in the world. The Netflix Culture. Where the company values are translated into a strong set of principles and very practical guidelines that make sure the culture really … works!
To make this very practical, again, we give the stage to two culture leaders of award winning companies: Netflix and AFAS Software. What do these companies do to create a culture of teamwork, performance and impact?
To conclude the culture block, we zoom into the role of young leaders in teams. What energy do they bring? How can you their fresh ideas and motivation to make change happen? Melati Wijsen will make your head -and heart- spin.
Block 3: Impact Leadership
The missing link between purpose, culture and real impact is of course: leadership. You as a leader hold the key. You are the chief change maker. How do you do that in an environment of high pressure, rapid change and simply not enough time?
Tim Ferriss will share his very best ideas on leadership in this block. What are the habits and routines of the best leaders in the world? How do they stay effective and how do they grow other leaders around them? Tim will share the amazing body of knowledge that he collected by having profound interviews with the best leaders on this planet. For his Tim Ferriss Show.
In the final hour of this event, you will hear leadership lessons from areas you probably did not expect. First, you will get a personal and very inspirational story by Maryna Saprykina about extreme resilience and leadership in Kiev, Ukrain. And wordsmith Typhoon will give you unexpectedly relevant lessons on how to create connections and strengthen team spirit.
Amsterdam Business Forum will bring you a magnificent lineup with speakers that show you how to:
Zeg je Tim Ferriss, dan zeg je The 4-Hour Workweek. Hij is een bestsellerauteur. Een topondernemer. Een podcastheld. Wat leerden andere topondernemers van Tim? En wat kun jij daarvan leren? Lees snel verder... Verder lezen
Anita Elberse is de meest succesvolle onderzoeker naar strategieën om van mensen en bedrijven een merk te maken. Welke 3 lessen kan je van haar leren? Verder lezen